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The Book of Daniel - 6 week series
When we think of the story of Daniel we leap straight to an image of a den of lions, but this major prophetic book of the Bible is packed full of stories of Daniel’s dedication to God and willingness to hear and respond to his voice. Living in a place of exile, far from home Daniel was committed to living in a way that pleased God even when that meant putting his life in danger or risking the wrath of the King. That’s why our memory verse this series is 2 Corinthians 5 v 9: Our only goal is to please God. Through the stories of Daniel and his friends we explore how we respond to challenges in our own lives and practice listening to and recognising God’s voice speaking to us.
Each week includes discussion starters, game and craft ideas, an object lesson and spiritual training activity.
Also included - Faith at Home booklets to give out each week including a Family Chat and Challenge, Activity Sheet and 'Going Deeper' Bible Study. A set of posters to put up around your teaching space.