We are constantly adding new syllabus materials and products to our shop - if there is a series that you would like that does not appear here please get in touch.
Moses - Escape from Egypt - 6 week series
Moses’ story begins in a time of great challenge for God’s people – enslaved in Egypt and persecuted they were waiting to be rescued! Moses might not have seemed the obvious choice to lead God’s people out of Egypt but his story has lots to teach us about trusting in God and letting him use us! Covering themes of persecution, protection and perseverance these materials encourage children to step out in faith and build their own trusting relationship with God.
A bonus week of materials also dives deep into the symbolism of Passover and how we can see our own rescuer, Jesus foretold as the Israelites finally made their way out of Egypt and into the wilderness.
Each week includes discussion starters, game and craft ideas, an object lesson and spiritual training activity.
Also included - Faith at Home booklets to give out each week including a Family Chat and Challenge, Activity Sheet and 'Going Deeper' Bible Study.