We are constantly adding new syllabus materials and products to our shop - if there is a series that you would like that does not appear here please get in touch.
Journey Together : Year 3 (B) - Term 3 - May - August 2024
We are delighted to present our third year of "Journey Together" materials, a complete curriculum for Sunday Schools based on the Common Worship Lectionary Calendar. Each week includes:
- A game, craft and memory verse
- A simple teaching point, discussions starters and object lesson
- A spiritual training activity
- Links to other readings from the Lectionary Calendar
There is also a "Together at Home" sheet for families to use to develop Faith at Home.
Term 3 includes two series. The first explores The Holy Spirit and covers the festival of Pentecost. The second follows the Old Testament readings through the book of Kings.
Save money and purchase the whole year in one go. Materials will be sent out for each term on their release dates.