We are constantly adding new syllabus materials and products to our shop - if there is a series that you would like that does not appear here please get in touch.
Journey Together : FREE SAMPLE: December 1st-15th 2024
We are really sorry that there has been a delay in releasing the Journey Together Resources for 2024-25. We expect Term 1 to be completed and released this Saturday 9th November, but also recognise that people want to plan their December teaching. Here is the first mini-series of the resources for those who have been patiently waiting. We are so grateful for your ongoing support of Journey Together.
We are delighted to present a free sample of "Journey Together" a brand new resource for Sunday Schools based on the Common Worship Lectionary Calendar. Each week includes:
- A game, craft and memory verse
- A simple teaching point, discussions starters and object lesson
- A spiritual training activity
- Links to other readings from the Lectionary Calendar
There is also a "Together at Home" sheet for families to use to develop Faith at Home and a colouring page to accompany the memory verse for each mini-series.